Archives: #authorvisit

I was featured in the IBPA Member Spotlight

Hi all! I’ve been a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for several years, and the online magazine recently featured me in their Member Spotlight. I’ll post the Aug. 6, 2024 interview, by journalist Adeline Lui, here! Thank you, IBPA for a wonderful article.


IBPA member Cathey Nickell is an author-publisher who’s also found success as a paid speaker in her home state of Texas, having earned the nickname “The Art Car Lady” and repeat invitations to speak at schools about creative writing and about her book, Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car.

She has presented at over 100 elementary schools, bookstores, and children’s museums, and each event comes with the opportunity to sell her books. Key to her popularity and uniqueness is that she brings a real art car with her to each of her talks. IBPA sat down with Cathey to tell us what is an art car, and share her tips on booking speaking engagements, speaker fees, and selling through schools.

IBPA: What was your inspiration to write your book, Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car? And oh, what is an art car by the way?

Cathey: Art cars are vehicles that have had their appearance imaginatively modified as an act of personal artistic expression. You might turn your car into a hippo or zebra; you might glue fake fur all over it; or maybe you’d like to cover it in painted dragonflies, paisleys, or bumblebees! I live in Houston, Texas, and we are considered the “art car capital of the world,” as evidenced by our having more art cars, estimated at 60 or more, than any other city. We also have an annual art car parade that attracts over 200 vehicles from around the country. These mobile works of art are what inspired my first picture book, Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car. A fun fact is that art cars are not only driven in the parade; most are owned by daily drivers, which means it’s their only means of transportation—every day, everywhere they go, year-round.

IBPA: Cathey, you’ve told us that when approaching schools, it’s good to have a “hook.” And yours happens to be an art car…!

Cathey: When I launched my book, I didn’t initially think about inviting an art car to join me at my appearances and school visits. I had an “aha moment” one day, however, and the rest is history. The Houston art car community has embraced my story with enthusiasm and continues to be supportive of my message for kids. At my author visits, the children hear me speak first, where I give a fun presentation about writing, publishing, and creativity; then they go outside and see, touch, feel, experience a decorated art car and can ask the driver questions as well.

IBPA: You make 20-plus school visits each year. What do you speak about in your presentation, titled “Amazing Book Ideas. Where do They Come From?”?

Cathey: My book is about creativity, outsider art, thinking outside the box, and turning the ordinary into extraordinary. I give students ideas about how they can come up with their own stories, writing tips, messages about creating a full story arc, along with “insider secrets” about my book. Hint: my dog is illustrated on some of the pages. And, of course, I show them photos of art cars to pique their interest. The teachers and staff—and even the principals—seem to have fun too, because art cars bring out the child in all of us. My local moniker as the “Art Car Lady” makes me laugh a bit, because I don’t even own an art car myself. Not yet, anyway!

IBPA: What else accompanies your author visits?

Cathey: When I schedule a visit with a school, one of the first things I do is ask them to circulate my book pre-order form. They’re usually happy and willing to do this, and it allows parents to purchase an autographed and personalized book for their child. I also offer to pre-work with the school’s art teacher, giving them ideas as to how to incorporate my book’s theme into their art curriculum. I email teachers a few line art drawings of plain cars so that students can use their imagination to design their own inventive art cars. And finally, I order bookmarks in bulk from an online vendor, and I bring each child a free one, whether they order a book or not. In each situation, I try to give the school any help they need in advance, so that together we can deliver a successful author visit.

IBPA: Can you share some tips about author fees. How do you know if, or what, to ask?

Cathey: First of all, I believe authors should be paid to speak about their craft. We give our personal time and expertise, and a lot of work goes into each appearance. I’ll admit, I was initially nervous to give a public presentation and ask to be paid. A librarian friend encouraged me, however, and I visited her school at no charge as a way to practice my speaking skills and learn the ropes. After that first visit, I was hooked, and I started booking paid visits from that point on. As for what amount to charge, I asked a few school librarians and other author friends what the “going rate” was. I got a wide variety of answers: ranging from $250 to $1,200…or more! I decided to set my rates low at first, and as I gained experience, I raised them to where they are now, which is somewhere in the middle of the range I mentioned. The way I ask is … to just ask! I mention my fees up front in the very first email contact I make with the school so that they never feel misled or confused. By the way, I highly recommend joining a very helpful, private Facebook group called “Create Engaging School Visits.”

IBPA: You’ve published another book titled Yazzy’s Amazing Yarn. What’s next for you?

Cathey: I am proud of my two self-published picture books, but I also have a personal goal of trying to enter the traditional publishing world. I’m now writing fiction middle-grade novels, which are for children ages eight to 12. I’ve completed one called A Night Without Light, and that manuscript helped me sign with my agent, Keely Boeving of WordServe Literary. So far, that first novel is still out on submission, but if we are unable to find a publisher for it, I might go the indie route again. Also, I’ve drafted another middle-grade novel with the working title of Ghost Zoo; I hope to have that one in my agent’s hands by the end of summer, and she’ll then take it out on submission as well. Whatever publication route ends up working best for me, I want to continue to stretch my imagination and improve my craft.

IBPA: Thank you so much Cathey for sharing your great advice with IBPA’s members. All the best to you!

About the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA): Founded in 1983 to support independent publishers nationwide, the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) leads and serves the independent publishing community through advocacy, education, and tools for success. With over 3,500 members, IBPA is the largest publishing association in the U.S. Its vision is a world where every independent publisher has the access, knowledge, and tools needed to professionally engage in all aspects of an inclusive publishing industry. For more information, visit

I’m Grateful For My Opportunities

This furry, long-eared pink guy looks a lot like my DAD!

This Thanksgiving season, I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for. Like many, I would put HEALTH at the top of the list. Not just my own health (which is pretty good, knock on wood), but also that of my large family. My mother had a rather serious health issue this year, as did my youngest sister; thankfully, they have both navigated the road to recovery and are doing fine. My father—at age 82—has a full-time career running a non-profit organization, does part-time ministry volunteer work, and is also working on a PhD in mind-body medicine. Talk about good health … WOW! Dad is truly the energizer bunny! The rest of my family is healthy, too, as are my four children and my husband. I’m grateful.

This job became a two-for-one: it resulted in a book AND a thesis!

Beyond health, I’m grateful for OPPORTUNITIES. I’ve always been a writer. Every job I’ve ever had throughout my career has been as a writer: newspaper journalist, magazine contributor, public relations professional, etc. About seven years ago, I relaunched my writing career when I was hired to research and write the 60-year history of the Institute for Spirituality and Health in Houston’s Texas Medical Center. The result was Uniting Faith, Medicine and Healthcare, a nonfiction book that ISH uses as a communications and development tool. The book also became the foundation of my thesis project, earning me a Master of Arts from LSU-Shreveport in 2013. You can read more about the Institute and their mission here:

Me with Bonnie Blue in front of her amazing art car: Women That Rock.

That freelance job for the Institute opened up my mind to different writing styles, and I bubbled with ideas for children’s books. I launched my first book for kids—Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car—in 2016, and the following year, it was awarded first place by the Texas Association of Authors in the category of Picture Books. My story even inspired the Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum to create a permanent art car exhibit. Many OPPORTUNITIES opened up for me, and I became an elementary school speaker. I’ve now presented at more than 70 schools, spreading my artsy message about reading, writing and creativity to thousands of children. I also met dozens of creative individuals who enjoy the art car lifestyle; they join me at my school visits, bringing smiles wherever they go.

YAZZY’S AMAZING YARN is available through my author’s website, at several Houston stores, and on Amazon.

My second picture book, Yazzy’s Amazing Yarn, launched in August 2019 and is a playful story about a girl who “yarn bombs” her neighborhood park. It was named a finalist in the 2019 Best Book Awards by the American Book Fest in the category of children’s hardcover fiction picture books. The contest yielded over 2,000 entries from mainstream and independent publishers, which were then narrowed down to some 400 winners and finalists. Reader’s Favorite gave YAZZY a coveted top five-star review. Also, my illustrator, Emily Calimlim, won a diversity scholarship at the SCBWI-Houston conference this year and was named Most Promising Portfolio for 2019. I feel lucky to be in Emily’s talented sphere! Check out the winner and other finalists in my category for the 2019 BEST BOOK AWARD here:

“Yazzy’s Amazing Yarn is a yarn-tastic story that will motivate young readers to be creative and bring color into all aspects of their lives.” — READERS’ FAVORITE FIVE-STAR REVIEW

Other writing OPPORTUNITIES this year include:

  • In June, I was recognized as a finalist in the Writer’s League of Texas 2019 Manuscript Contest for a middle grade work-in-progress;
  • In November, I attended the 2019 Better Books writing workshop in Petaluma, California, which gave me the chance to meet agents, editors, and other talented authors;
  • In October, I had a productive weekend at the SCBWI-North Texas Novel Retreat in Waxahachie, Texas, allowing me to get one-on-one advice from an agent;
  • At the September SCBWI-Houston annual conference, I received critiques from some top editors in the kid-lit world, which improved my work-in-progress;
  • My local writer’s critique group added some new members, creating lasting friendships and valuable feedback on my current manuscript.

Right now, I’m trying to carve out time to write. I’ve garnered some publication interest in a middle grade novel I’m writing, so my goal is to complete it by early 2020. I’ll keep you posted on my efforts!

Meanwhile … what are you thankful for? And remember to BE AMAZING!

P.S. I can’t close this newsletter without patting my friend TERI CASE on the back! She WON in the Fiction Cross-Genre category in the American Book Fest 2019 Best Book Awards for her novel: In the Doghouse: A Couple’s Breakup from Their Dog’s Point of View. This book makes a fun holiday gift or book club read! You can learn more about Teri and her books here:

Fifty (school visits) is Nifty!

What better way to mark the day than with gold balloons?

Milestone alert! I recently celebrated my FIFTIETH school author visit! I’ve delivered my presentation so many times, I can practically do it in my sleep. Nevertheless, every visit feels fun and special. There’s always something new and different that comes up, which means no two visits are ever alike.

Take, for example, that one student who asked, “Why don’t you have a body guard since you’re supposedly so famous?” And the time an honest child informed me that I look older in person than I do in my poster’s marketing photo. Oh, and the really bold kid who wanted me to sign his forehead!

Those are some funny examples, but there are tender moments, too. “I can’t wait to go home and write a book” is a frequent and favorite comment I receive at most every school visit. The girls often tell me they love my necklace (it’s a little blue car charm) or that they love my dog (Cricket is featured in my presentation). I’ve even had some sad comments, like when a child comes up to tell me that he/she doesn’t have a mother (that has happened) or that their father passed away (that has happened, too). When that occurs, I know to just give the child a big hug. Silly, sweet, or sad—I cherish all of these experiences.

Dragonfly Whimzee and Penelope helped me celebrate my 50th school visit!

Reaching my 50th school visit felt important, so I decided to ring it in with STYLE! Houston’s amazing Ridgemont Elementary School in Fort Bend ISD was the school that happened to be my special fiftieth, and I invited not one but TWO art cars. Art car driver Elizabeth Burnham brought her purple furry “Penelope,” and Jada August brought her new painted art car called “Dragonfly Whimzee.” The kids LOVED them!

Jessica Edwards WON the door prize!

A girl at Ridgemont Elementary couldn’t wait to show me her leggings! CRICKET!

I also created a huge gift basket as a door prize (something I’ve never before done for a school visit). I filled it with numerous autographed books, candles, artwork, trinkets and chocolate—I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate? P.E. Coach Jessica Edwards was the lucky winner, and she made my day when she said, “Omg, I never win anything! Thank you!” Then she quickly took off to lock it up in her office for safekeeping, lol!

A roadrunner art car by Bill Megenhardt.

And finally, I gifted the school with an oversized custom drawing by my amazing illustrator, Bill Megenhardt. He drew Ridgemont’s roadrunner as he thought it might look in an art car parade! The students, faculty and staff went crazy for Bill’s creative rendition, which will forever hang in their library.

My 50th school visit at Ridgemont was a good day, and it reminded me of comedienne Molly Shannon as the infamous Sally O’Malley on Saturday Night Live: “I’m fifty! And I like to kick, stretch and kick! I’m fifty!” And that’s how I really feel … kicking my heels up (literally) each time I book another school visit … and streeeeeeetching myself to get outside of my comfort zone.

I can’t wait until the day that I get to post about my 100th school visit … stay tuned! And I hope you all keep kicking & stretching along with me.

~ Be amazing!

Wrangling Words and Authors!

The Texas Word Wrangler Festival, benefiting the Giddings Public Library and Cultural Center.

It’s never easy to travel out of town for a school or book engagement. I have to consider mileage/gas costs, hotel rates, meals, and other logistics. But when I was invited to feature my children’s book at the 13th Annual Texas Word Wrangler Festival—benefiting the Giddings Public Library and Cultural Center—I had to say YES! This resulted in a two-hour drive, a two-night stay … and a lot of fun. Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car loves a good road trip!

Author Jonathan Oliver poses with staff members of the Giddings Public Library.

The first stop was an author visit where I spoke to third graders at Giddings Elementary School. I gave four presentations back-to-back, and after the last talk the teachers said they were having so much fun they didn’t want to leave! So, I stayed a bit longer, answering the many hilarious questions that the students had for me. It was AMAZING!

Thank you for the beautiful drawings and artwork, St. Paul Serbin students!

My second school visit took me to a beautiful facility with the most gorgeous cemetery nestled in a secluded, rural area. There, I gave two presentations for K-5th graders at St. Paul Serbin Lutheran School, and the kindergartners presented me with a stack of colorful, beautiful artwork. I love receiving handmade drawings such as this, and I’ll keep them forever.

The next day was full of book sales at the library. School after school poured through the doors as students were brought by the busload for field trips to meet the authors. The children lined up for autographs, bookmarks and books. I signed one girl’s book and wrote “Be Amazing!”—as I always do—and she nudged her friend, whispering, “Can you beeee-lieeeeve it? She wrote ‘Be Amazing’ in my book!” My feet were aching but my heart was full!

“A Little Bit of Nonsense” was there!

This year, it was Alan Bourgeois’s idea to add a new Saturday event to the festival, complete with food trucks, snow cones, cotton candy, kiddie train rides, a jumpy-bouncy house, and MORE book sales. Alan is founder of the Texas Association of Authors and is a long-time supporter of the Texas Word Wrangler Festival; his efforts helped the library create what we all hope will be a new Saturday tradition. I invited Randy Blair to bring his art car, “A Little Bit of Nonsense,” to the festival, allowing visitors to see and touch a REAL art car up close. Randy and his car were a hit!

One of the best results of this weekend event was rubbing elbows with the other featured authors. I met so many smart, creative professionals, and it was wonderful to exchange ideas and knowledge. It was an amazing weekend full of irreplaceable moments, and I’m glad I was welcomed and honored by the warmth of the people of Giddings, Texas.

Cick here to see the WORD WRANGLER festival website.

Below I’ll post as many photos as I can of these talented writers who were in attendance with me.

Kat Kronenberg of Austin, Texas is author of “Dream Big,” and her next book “Love Big” will arrive soon.

Here I am with Harry Capers of Sugar Land, Texas, author and illustrator of the “Dino Buddies” series of children’s books.

Andrew Fairchild of Texas City, Texas is an award-winning author of many children’s books.

Kathleen Shields wowed the children with her “Hamilton Troll” series and other books, too.

Jonathan Oliver (shown here with his mom) is a stay-at-home father and author of “Joy In the Journey.”

P.G. Shriver is author of the “Sally The Travelin’ Saddle” series and many more books.

Mystery writer Kathryn Lane spoke to 100+ students in Giddings, Texas.

Carolyn Stovall is author of the award-winning cookbook, “A Texas Gal Cooks” (I bought a copy myself!), and “Granny Ozark’s Treats.”

Angela Castillo and Jamie Foley are co-authors of the “Busy Moms Guide To” series as well as middle grade and young adult books of their own.

© 2024 Cathey Graham Nickell