FINDING IMOGENE by Teri Case: New Novel Launch!
Since releasing my own children’s picture books in 2016 and 2019, I’ve had the privilege of helping several writer friends get their books out into the world as well. Today, I’m excited to announce the launch for Teri Case’s newest novel, “Finding Imogene.” Order any time, but if you order a copy on Amazon today (Sunday Jan. 7), it will help her algorithms quite a bit, and algorithms are the name of the game in getting the most mileage possible in terms of marketing and advertising. It’ll pop up on Barnes & Noble pretty soon, and a large-print version is also about to become available. Here’s a link to make buying easy:

Frances Jerome has been tormented by the disappearance of her childhood best friend, Imogene, for decades. Despite her best efforts, Frances hasn’t built honest or intimate relationships with anyone since, including her son and daughter, and she’ll never forgive her father for the role he played in Imogene’s disappearance. Worst of all, she blames herself for turning her back on her best friend when she needed her most. After 43 years of remission, Frances’s cancer returns with a vengeance, and she knows she doesn’t deserve to rest in peace until Imogene can too. Frances enlists the help of her daughter Jean, who is struggling with her identity as a mother and a wife, and Griffin, a burned-out private detective whose father was haunted by this case before his death. Together, they try to find Imogene before Frances’s time runs out. But will finding Imogene offer the answers, justice, and peace they each long for? Or will the truth expose far more than they can imagine?
So, how did I get involved in Teri’s most recent book launch? Well, many years ago, I was in a Mastermind group, hosted by Dan Blank. It was a community of like-minded writers—a place for us to exchange ideas, inspire each other, and offer support through our writing journeys. In that group, I was fortunate to virtually “meet” Teri Case, and the rest is history! We initially bonded (still virtually) over a shared love of writing books, and, over time, we began to trust one another as beta readers, advisers, and critique partners. She became one of my best friends, and we never run out of things to say. The funny thing is, we didn’t meet face-to-face for many years! In fact, we’ve only seen each other in person one time since becoming friends in 2016. I’ll share a photo from that 2023 meeting, as it was a really fun in-person get-together in California. I was at a writer’s conference, and she just happened to be visiting relatives in the area, so we met up; we shut the restaurant down (seriously, the waiter kicked us out!), and we could’ve talked all night. I guess that’s the power of the internet, phone calls, texts, e-mails, social media, FaceTime, and Zoom meetings—because that’s the only way we had communicated up until our October visit on the West Coast.

But back to business … Teri’s newest novel, Finding Imogene, would make a great gift for your avid-reader friends and yourself. It would also be a fantastic suggestion for your Book Club(s) that you might be a part of; as a domestic suspense novel, it offers many talking points, conversations and questions about family dysfunction, family dynamics, and keeping secrets. Here’s the blurb I wrote about “Finding Imogene,” which is printed on the back of the book (And yes, I do feel famous!): “A can’t-put-it-down story of a missing girl, a fractured family, and one woman’s quest to unravel a lifetime of secrets before it’s too late.“
By the way, Teri has two other novels that I love just as much as “Finding Imogene.” They are called “Tiger Drive” and “In the Doghouse,” so if you’re looking for a lot of new reading material, try those out as well. Tell your friends, because word of mouth means everything, and it will help so much in Teri’s book sales. You can also go online and find your local library to suggest it as a book purchase for their shelves. Or ask your favorite indie bookstore to stock it; they’re always looking for ideas about what to sell. If you like the book, write a review on Amazon after you read it; post about it on your social media sites. Authors, like Teri and I, appreciate everything you do to help us out in these ways.

Thank you for taking time to read this newsletter! I don’t send out very many (hey, aren’t you glad?!), but when I do, it’s because it feels like something important enough to share. As for me, my literary agent, Keely Boeving, is still trying to sell my middle-grade children’s novel for kids ages 8-12; it’s called A NIGHT WITHOUT LIGHT, and I hope it enters the world someday. I’m also drafting a new novel called GHOST ZOO (working title), and I hope to be sending it to Keely in a few months. My writing life is busy, and I continue to do Author Visits at elementary schools where I speak to students about writing, publishing, creativity, and inspiration. What’s really fun about my presentations is that I always invite a real art car to come along; the students hear me speak, and then they go outside to experience the very thing that inspired my first story, Arthur Zarr’s Amazing Art Car. So, if you know a school who would be interested, please send them my way; they can reach me through the Contact tab on this website or email me at catheynickell AT gmail DOT com.
Have a wonderful day and continue to Be Amazing! And don’t forget to order Finding Imogene by Teri Case!
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